To our constellation of Mamas

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  • By Susannah
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To our constellation of Mamas

A mother is an incredible thing. Powerful, potent, graceful, imbued with almost mystical-seeming properties of all-knowing, all-seeing, all-soothing capabilities. There is an even bigger, deeper, wilder, and more wonderful magic to the thing: when growing older, you realize that your world can be full of mothers if you choose.

As we live around in our bones a little longer, discovering more of what we like and what we need from the world (this process of intentional self-expansion can be, if you're lucky, shepherded by your own actual incredible mother), our own personal constellations of family can grow larger and more luminous with the choices our hearts make.


It is such with our Foundry Family. We are deeply fortunate to have not only our own mamas to guide us, to laugh at our escapades, marvel at our triumphs, and cheer our successes (and, of course, to harness deep recesses of ancient anger when it is required OOH BOY what a thing to behold), but also a matrilineage of incredible chosen Foundry mothers. Just as we love the heart-full joy of our Foundry Family, we stand in awe of this crew of Mothers we have adopted and who have adopted us, as if we asked the hen, the cat, the truck, AND the mama-bird from the book "Are YOU my mother?" and and they all said YES.


So in honor of Mother's Day—and all days—a little love letter to all of our mamas, who take so many forms (and if you, like us, are always in a quandry on what to get your wonderful mama-figures, we've got you covered with Foundry-Mama-approved gifts right this way).




Adam & Julie (who brings busloads of fans to all of his openings AND who happens to be a champion baton twirler in her own right... we know where he gets it from).




Peggy (one of our Adopted Foundry Mamas, greatest cheerleaders and who now makes incredible embroidered textiles for the shop).




Anna & Lisa (who continues to show her the magic of living joyfully in small wooden houses AND whose amazing farm, Two Pony Gardens, fills the shop with joy and flowers throughout the year...full circle mama-magic!).




Susannah's mother Ann (who taught her everything she knows about wearing a dress while fronting the band).




Annie & Barb (who brings big love into the shop and always lets us know *someone* is reading our silly emails and vibing on our ridiculous puns).




Lillian & Marguerite (who showed her daughter the wonderful feeling of the wind in your hair at an early age).




Zach & Kathy (who is tied with Marguerite for "who likes a Foundry Instagram post the fastest").




Kate & Karen (who are generations two and three of the amazing fourth generation organic family farm behind the divine Old Mill Beeswax we can't keep in stock. For us, Kate is family and Kate's family is family. It's a true family affair!).




And the divine Kate with her Audie & Berit (who are generations three and four!)




Mara's mother Martha (who somehow wrangles being mother to nine incredible humans AND a classroom of students!).




Erin & Jan (who passed down her sense of style and flair to her marvelous daughter).




Turnip & Ruby (who has leaned in/snuggled up to her role as ShopDogMama, protecting, instructing, and cuddling up with all of the wet-nosed rascals growing into their paws around here...except for Detective, whose "MOM" tattoo is for Lillian only).



Happy Mother's Day, from our Foundry Family to yours.






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