8/11/2023 Foundry Giving Friday: The Melinda Vaughn School Pollinator Fund
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Every Friday The Foundry Home Goods contributes 5% of our total sales to a different community-nominated small-and-mighty cause. This Friday's Foundry Giving Friday recipient? The Melinda Vaughn School Pollinator Fund.
With our love of beeswax (and honey and, well, beekeepers) we've written a lot about the crucial roles of bees and other pollinators—and how to help protect them. On the same page: The Melinda Vaughn School Pollinator Fund. Founded in honor and in memory of Melinda Vaughn, to celebrate her love of flowers, plants, nature education, and wildlife as well as her special connection to monarch butterflies, the Pollinator Fund brings native plants that attract these and other pollinators to Minnesota K-12 school gardens. In addition, the fund provides pollinator programming and other resources to Minnesota teachers engaging students in learning about pollinators, and creates a community around those efforts.
If you don't need anything from us, consider supporting The Melinda Vaughn School Pollinator Fund directly. If you DO find yourself in need of (appropriately) beeswax or fresh brushes, know that your purchase goes to support good change happening on the community level.
Thanks to Jenny for the nomination—and sending big love to you for this tender initiative of honor. She is remembered.
If YOU have a worthy cause to nominate for our Foundry Giving Friday initiative, pop on over to our Nomination Page and drop us a line. We're all in this together.
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