Stay Cozy: Anna's Hot Toddy Recipe
Perhaps it's the crunching of fallen leaves underfoot transitioning to the soft hush of falling show, or it's the smell of woodsmoke and clove rich in the air...
Perhaps it's the crunching of fallen leaves underfoot transitioning to the soft hush of falling show, or it's the smell of woodsmoke and clove rich in the air...
As any well-heeled 8 year old will tell you, there will never be a time that a classic Shirley Temple is not a great thing. Bubbly sweet, subtly golden yet with the ascendant whirl of ruby red at the bottom giving it the sophisticated air of a potion, something specially "prepared", a tiny cocktail straw, occasionally/best served with TWO maraschino cherries PERHAPS interwoven with a sinuous orange slice and MAYBE (if the place has really got it together) these items speared through by... A TINY SWORD.
While there is something (sometimes many somethings) to be said for the winter-soothing rituals of hot teas, bracing jots of fire cider, or a well placed occasional vin chaud, sometimes in the wilds of these grey, not-quite-mud-season days what you really need is ESCAPE.
In our (seemingly endless) search for things that feel good, have a essentially zero potential for bummers, and answer more questions than they ask, we have been lovingly deploying the "BYOG BFD" a.k.a.: The Bring Your Own Glass to the Big Fancy Drink.