In Gratitude: Giving Back
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This is a season of abundance and grace. Every year we partake in a wonderful, simple Thanksgiving ritual: we name the things for which we are truly grateful. Every time, this list always comes down not to things but to people.
We are grateful for you, our dear Foundry community, for finding us as like-minded souls and supporting us both with your joy and the trust of your business. Especially after 11 years of our Instagram went *poof!* making it super hard for us to tell anyone outside of shouting distance of St. Anthony Main that we are here! AND We Have Beeswax! Whew. If you had told us 11 years ago how much those likes and loves would have meant to our actual business we *might* have turned up our noses.
But, here we are. And we are ever so grateful to everyone who has been so supportive and who has come along for the ride and followed along with the next chapter of the adventure at our trusty side account @thefoundryfamily.
Of course, we are ever grateful for our friends, those brilliant ones who travel alongside us on this journey because they choose to. We are grateful, always, for our families. Who gather around our tables and continue to weave together the generations-long fabric of shared history and possibility.
In this time of abundance (and to some extent against the creeping onslaught of DEALSDEALSDEALS that starts to inundate earlier and earlier it seems) we have another ritual we partake in every year, one of giving back.
This year we will contribute a portion of our profits from Friday 11/24-Sunday 11/28 to Honor The Earth, a national Indigenous-led Native mission working to raise awareness and direct funds to grassroots Native environmental groups. They are the only Native organization that provides both financial support and organizing support to Native environmental initiatives.
If you don't need anything from us, consider contributing to Honor The Earth directly. If you do find yourself in search of something delightful on a not-so-black Friday or a Small Business Saturday, know that your purchase goes to support good change happening on the community level
And, of course, Happy Thanksgiving!
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