Shop Journal

The Art Of Letterpress

The Art Of Letterpress Our love affair with the handwritten note is both long standing and well documented, eternal and boundless. In our humble opinion, there is no better way to connect (or re-connect) with yourself or your heart-people, to share and magnify gratitude, to show love, or to make space for contemplative moments in your own day than sitting down to write a note. The only thing that *might* be better is receiving a handwritten note your own self!

Just Delivered: Bellocq Teas

Just Delivered: Bellocq Teas Our newest shipment of marvelous, surprising, delicious, and ever-so-slightly-esoteric loose leaf teas from Bellocq arrived at the *exact* moment we happened to find ourselves in need of a real buck-up-and-carry-on-style pick-me up.

The Autumn Garden Get-Down: Intention Setting for Spring!

The Autumn Garden Get-Down: Intention Setting for Spring! A dear friend once told us that the time to prune is when the shears are in your hand. A time for everything and everything in its time. We have often used this piece of gentle advice as a salve for the times when we perhaps didn't deadhead as much as we should or we neglected to cut back the azaleas three years in a row. The time to do it? When the shears are in your hand? That's the right time

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