Honey Bee Party!

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  • By Lillian
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Honey Bee Party!

Bees are crop-pollinating, honey-making, hive-building, beauties. At last week's mixer we took a little time to celebrate honey bees and learn about their amazing lives.

A super huge thank you to our friends at Old Mill Candles for such an amazing night of celebration and show & tell. The queen even came with a little army of friends so we could check out an active hive and see their behavior. I learned so much about bees and what they do. Not surprisingly, they're one of the most important parts of our world. 


Our candle-maker-queen Kate and her dad, bee-farmer-extraordinaire Steve had so much amazing knowledge to share. If you're curious about supporting a healthy world for bees, you can choose organic produce which saves them from exposure to harmful chemicals. You can also make your yard or garden bee-safe by asking your garden center if their plants have been treated with any pesticides or neonicotinoids. 


Learn more about pollinators and see what you can do to help!



Those girls wore their wings for hours and hours!


Thanks to our friend Kim for capturing such great photos of the party!


And an extra, super-huge thank you to Berrit for modeling her bee suit for us!


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