Behind The Scenes At The New Shop!

Behind The Scenes At The New Shop!

We are SO EXCITED about our BIG MOVE! Thrilled, giddy, over the moon! And yet, in the ways of all big moves our BIG MOVE to the new shop has also had its fair share of "hurry up and wait".

While we are hustling, bustling, and unpacking (seriously, more new things than we have ever, ever had in the shop, EVER), we are also waiting for humdrum things like "a door" or "a floor" or "a gilded chaise lounge for Ruby to bask on the porch".


While we're hard at work putting the finishing touches on the shop we are simply THRILLED about everything and couldn't be more grateful and honored at your continued support as we are embarking on the next chapter of this beautiful adventure.


Reminder that we are wide open for Free Curbside Pickup at the new shop location (place your order here online and select "Daily Curbside Pickup" when checking out and we'll let you know when your order is ready!


In the meantime, because you all asked *so nicely*—and because we absolutely can't keep it to ourselves for another moment—here are a few very sneaky peeks of the new space. We can't WAIT to throw open our doors and all be together here. SOON!



Anna's sketches coming to life


Install day for the bar!


The deck is in!


Scroll for the same view!



Breaking in the bar with our favorite girl


  1. Barb Goldberg Barb Goldberg

    Congrats on your fantastic new digs! So wish we were "in town" to be able to see it - and YOU all - but soon, hopefully. Was wondering what those stools are for (a BAR, ya say?) ... and was JUST thinking you should've taken a shot with Ruby on one of the shelves ... when - lo and behold - I spotted one of those puppy feet on that last photo! EVERY good wish for continuing happiness and success in your new home. SO excited for the Foundry Family - you SO deserve it all! XOXO "Barb G"

  2. Wendy Brown Wendy Brown

    Get out of town... no wait, PLEASE stay in town so I can visit you and RUBES all the time! Good energy while moving in and remember, I am always here to lend some muscle or source banana bread!

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