5 years old and growing!

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  • By Lillian
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5 years old and growing!

What a year, what a year indeed! It’s the year of our 5th birthday, the year of our big move, and last but most certainly not least… the year of Turnip!

Ruby and her sister are quite the dynamic duo. Turnip is Ruby’s full sister from litters 5 years apart. They have such distinct personalities—Turnip was born for little sister antics… But they love snoozing together. We’re even making them a fluffy napping spot right in the front window of the new shop.


And speaking of the new shop… we moved! Our big, beautiful building on the corner is getting some well-deserved care and restoration work this year. So we packed up all of our tiny spoons and headed next door. Our temporary location is at 121 N 1st Street. We’re so lucky to be in this cozy temporary shop during this construction. And after it’s all completed, we’ll be headed back to an expanded shop on our sunny corner.


So what’s new at the shop? We just turned 5! Amazing! We’re so excited to be expanding and we already have wonderful new goods rolling into the shop. We just unpacked some beautiful Danish bistro furniture yesterday! We have two wonderful new faces at the shop, Allison and Holly. And so much fun planned for the holidays.


But don’t you worry, we’re still the same little shop. We still have our Thursday Night Mixers (join us sometime! Check out Instagram for the scoop). And we still spend most of our time gazing at Ruby talking about how great she is… because she’s truly great.


Here are a couple of good shots from her birthday party last Thursday. Too much? No way, you only turn 5 once!


This girl posed patiently for more than 10 minutes of serious iphone paparazzi.


Ruby's best friend Beatrice helping her with cake...


Can you spot Turnip, hovering for cake?



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