Farewell Adam!

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Farewell Adam!

In our Foundry Family (like in all families) we weather the beautiful and wild seasons together. We are always growing up and out and onwards together, and, like in all families, that occasionally means making moves, starting new chapters, and (gulp) moving out. And, just like in all families, these moments of change are as inevitable as they are bittersweet and beautiful.

On that note, we'd like to give our biggest, brightest, heel-clickingest, jazz-handsiest, most flatteringly-lit best wishes for the happiest new adventures to our Darling Adam.


Adam's tenure has spanned *almost* SIX YEARS (what!? well, just like Ruby, Adam still definitely has his handsome puppy paws) and he has been a force of pure and potent joy in the life of the shop. He is simply the biggest hearted, brightest-shining ray of light, kind and compassionate, generous and hilarious, and—of course—definitely the best dancer around (don't tell Turnip). We have been beyond fortunate to have him in our Family.


Adam, we LOVE you and will miss you SO much. If home is the place where, when you have to go there, they have to take you in, then family are the people who make you come back year after year during the holidays to wrap presents until 4 in the morning fueled by coffee and champagne. Which is to say, there will always be space in our hearts and homes for you, Adam, and *fingers crossed* we'll still see you in December!

And we couldn't possibly honor Adam's time at The Foundry without heading down memory lane. He's simply the best.


Adam has always been our number one product model.



I mean I've never seen a "sit" like this one!



He can handle an armful of anything.



Even and armful AND a Turnip!


He hosted the cheeriest pop ups.


Befriended all visiting shop animals.




Modeled flower crowns of all sizes.



Will be shop walrus Janet's BFF for life.





Friend to labradors.


Imitator of labradors (Lillian as Turnip and Adam as Ruby)



Willing to be gift-wrapped on short notice.


Our resident hunky farmer


And goat wrangler


A master of inventory counts.


Never bothered by the temps in our brick boiler of a first shop location.


Or those days when the heat would go out...




Dashing in his Foundry issue sweatsuit.


Or in accidentally matching stripes (with Grant + David)


Or his Game of Thrones costume...


Or his Abominable Snowman costume...


Or dressed for a bath time news report.


An award winning actor.


Award. Winning.



And a member of The Foundry Family ALWAYS.










Can't get enough of Adam's memory lane? We've archived some of the best moments, videos, and bell-kick tutorials here on our Instagram Stories!



  1. Lillian Egner Lillian Egner

    Thanks Linda! Miss seeing you guys on your regular Saturday rounds! Send lots of waves and air-kisses to Erik!

  2. Linda Voss Linda Voss

    Adam, our sincere thanks, very best wishes, and love from two of your biggest fans—Linda and Erik.

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