Welcome To The Foundry + Two Pony CSA!

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Welcome To The Foundry + Two Pony CSA!

We are beyond thrilled to be launching the inaugural season of our Foundry + Two Pony CSA—and beyond thrilled to have you with us as a member!

From farmstand pop-ups to heirloom plant sales, we've always loved being able to bring some of the magic of Two Pony Gardens—the gorgeous regenerative farm out in Long Lake run by Anna's mom Lisa, her divine + intrepid second-in-command our own KP, and a menagerie of beloved animals including Ruby's cousin (and four-legged doppleganger) Oak—but we've always dreamed of a more substantial and ongoing collaboration.

Over the past wild season one dream session led to another and the seed of what would become our first-ever CSA began to put out roots and send out shoots. After all, The Foundry and Two Pony share more than just Anna and Lisa's mother-daughter connection: we share an appreciation for slowing down and living well, celebrating each other by celebrating our shared sense of place and gratitude for the land we inhabit, forging connectivity and community with fewer, better, things, and—of course—choosing to maximize joy wherever and whenever we can. Our take on the traditional CSA is a synthesis of all of those things. 

"CSA" usually stands for "Community Supported Agriculture" and is a way for like-minded humans to invest in a farm for the season, receiving a bounty of fresh, locally-grown produce in return.

Our CSA is rooted in these same principles: Community, Simplicity, and Abundance. Each month's bountiful offering will connect like-minded humans to nourishing, thoughtfully produced food at peak seasonality AND an accompanying Foundry selection of corresponding delights. What could be better than an overflowing basket of heirloom tomatoes at peak summer ripeness AND the perfect tools for processing them into Sunday Sauce to bring that August-sweetness all the way into a grey February? Farm fresh flowers AND the perfect vessel for celebrating their fleeting beauty?

We envision this CSA as a delight for home and homestead, a celebration of simple joys, abundant tables, and the power of community to grow something grand...and we're so glad you're along with us for the journey.


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