Flower Seeds - Love-in-a-Mist "Miss Jekyll"

Article number: 0291-P250
Availability: In stock (4)
(Nigella damascena) First appeared in England around 1570. Some very imaginative folk names include Love-Entangle and Jack-in-Prison. Intriguing striped seedpods dry well. It is hard to resist popping the seedpods when they are green because they pop like little balloons! Self-seeding, hardy annual, 18-24" tall.

Instructions - Sow seeds outdoors when a light frost is still possible. Will self-seed profusely. Prefers average soil and tolerates dry conditions. Good cut flower, fresh or dried seedpod.

About The Line: A seed is a small miracle. Each tiny kernel holds within it the concurrent miracles of nourishment and nature, of hope and home. Based in the Driftless Region surrounding Decorah, Iowa, Seed Savers Exchange was started in 1978 by Diane Ott Whealy and Kent Whealy with heirloom seeds for treasured tomato and flower varieties lovingly brought to Iowa by Diane's Bavarian great-grandparents in the 1870's. Word spread like Scarlet Runner Bean Vines, and before long, more and more concerned gardeners began saving and swapping their own rare, heirloom varieties and donating seeds to the collection, which would soon become the center of a growing movement. Passed from generation to generation these seeds, their stories, and their often beautifully poetic names-may well have been lost forever if not for the foresight of these visionary gardeners and their singular dedication to preserving biodiversity in the face of changing farming and gardening practices. The power held within each sustainably saved seed is priceless-from the pioneer history and beautiful perseverance of American farmers and the dishes they made with the food they grew to the irreplaceable genetic diversity that will protect our food systems for our children and our children's children to come. Planting your own garden with these sustainable heirloom seeds may ensure that our families inherit our pioneering spirit of perseverance along with our cherished recipes.

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