Curved Nook and Cranny or Radiator Cleaning Brush

Article number: T2-23-F-02812
Availability: In stock (11)

Our radiators are always hissing at us. If we could speak parseltongue we think they'd be saying "I'm so dusssssssssty! Sssssssssweeeeeeep me!". This magical handcrafted German brush makes cleaning all of those cast iron nooks and crannies easy peasy. With a firm twisted wire body, soft and sturdy horsehair bristles, and a stiff right angle curve at the end, this is specifically designed to reach between those hard-to-reach radiator slats. Oiled beechwood handle and rawhide hanging loop make it easy to keep on hand. Dust? Expelliarmus.

Note: While this is specifically made for radiators, we've also used it on bicycle spokes, porch swing slats, and (most brilliantly) to get at that dust that mystically accumulates in portable fans. Got a nook (and/or a cranny)? This is your brush.

| Joal 20-10-2020 18:23

Brilliant! I have 12 radiators in my house and cleaning them has always been an onerous task , but this brush makes it a doddle! Radiator brushes are typically long and skinny which requires multiple passes to clean between the fins & renders them useless in tight spaces. This brush is the perfect length & diameter to make cleaning a "one and done" deal.

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