9/3/2021 Foundry Giving Friday: International Institute of Minnesota

9/3/2021 Foundry Giving Friday: International Institute of Minnesota

Every Friday The Foundry Home Goods donates 5% of our total sales to a different community-nominated small-and-mighty cause. This Friday's Foundry Giving Friday recipient? International Institute of Minnesota!

The International Institute of Minnesota is a St. Paul-based non-profit providing services and resources to empower New Americans (immigrants and refugees) to achieve self-sufficiency and full membership in American life. While their work is always thoughtful, essential, and often focused on long-term successes for New Americans, since mid-August they have been directly helping resettle families arriving in Minnesota from Afghanistan. No matter the question, open arms, helping hand, and generous hearts are always the answer. As they say:

This week, the International Institute of Minnesota resettled two families from Afghanistan. We are fully committed to assisting others when they arrive and we wait for the opportunity to welcome them to Minnesota. As of 8/17/21, the U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI), our national office, has assured resettlement for 508 people nationwide, some of whom will arrive in Minnesota. This number is changing regularly.

If you don't need anything from us, please consider donating directly to specifically support those arriving from Afghanistan via their Special Immigrant Visa Refugee Family Fund here.

If you DO find yourself in need of fresh beeswax candles or a clean dish brush, know that your purchase goes to support good change happening on the community level.

This week the Foundry Family put our heads together to choose this one :)

If YOU have a worthy cause to nominate for our Foundry Giving Friday initiative, pop on over to our Nomination Page and drop us a line. We're all in this together.


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