9/18/2020 Foundry Giving Friday: Natural Resources Defense Council

9/18/2020 Foundry Giving Friday: Natural Resources Defense Council

Every Friday The Foundry Home Goods donates 5% of our total sales to a different community-nominated small-and-mighty cause. This Friday's Foundry Giving Friday recipient? The Natural Resources Defense Council!

Natural Resources Defense Council is a battle-tested Environmental Non-Profit that uses the power of the law to ensure clean air, clean water, and healthy communities for all Americans.


1970 was a big year. After two centuries of unchecked industrial impact on the environment, silent springs, superfunds, and flaming midwestern rivers, in 1970, the EPA is formed, the first Earth Day is celebrated, and, a group of law students and attorney-activists at the forefront of the environmental movement form the NRDC. Their strategy was simple: Put together a top-notch team of lawyers, scientists, and policy experts to help write and pass evidence-based environmental laws. Then enforce those laws through tireless litigation. 

From America's first Clean Water and Air Acts of the 1970's to the Standing Rock decisions this past March, the NRDC has harnessed the power and expertise of 700 scientists, lawyers, and advocates with the power of more than three million members and online activists for over 50 years. The NRDC works tirelessly—on a policy level—to confront our planet's most pressing problems. And the planet's problems are feeling *pretty* pressing these days. Sometimes when we engage with "climate change news" it all feels so horrific and overwhelming that we can pretty easily descend into into a paralyzing orange-sky doom spiral. The logical, rational, positive, science-based work of the NRDC is the perfect counter. Learn more here @nrdc_org.

We are pleased and proud to support this crucial work this Foundry Giving Friday! If you don't need anything from us, consider supporting the NRDC directly  If you DO find yourself in need of beeswax or bulk supplies, know that your purchase goes to support good change happening on the community level.

Usually our Foundry Giving Friday recipient is community nominated by YOU, but this week, our Foundry Team chose the NRDC because we can't stop thinking about all of our far-flung Foundry friends + fam on the west coast (Lillian couldn't stop watching this terrifying/mesmerizing animation of smoke from the fires making its way back east)...we're sending you guys the biggest love...stay safe out there, dear ones.


If YOU have a worthy cause to nominate for our Foundry Giving Friday initiative, pop on over to our Nomination Page and drop us a line. We're all in this together.


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