7/8/2022 Foundry Giving Friday: Red River Women's Clinic

7/8/2022 Foundry Giving Friday: Red River Women's Clinic

Every Friday The Foundry Home Goods contributes 5% of our total sales to a different community-nominated small-and-mighty cause. This Friday's Foundry Giving Friday recipient? Red River Women's Clinic.

Red River Women's Clinic has been the sole abortion provider in the state of North Dakota for over 20 years. After the U.S. Supreme Court ruled to overturn Roe v. Wade, and North Dakota's "trigger law"—prepped, ready, laying in wait since 2007, and now days away from being enacted—goes into effect, they will be moving the clinic a few miles across the river from their decades-long home in Fargo to Moorehead, Minnesota.

Per a recent article in the Minneapolis Star Tribune:

"The clinic has been operating in Fargo for nearly a quarter-century and serves all of North Dakota, part of South Dakota and northwest Minnesota. While the private clinic also provides pregnancy testing, birth control and testing for sexually transmitted infections, it is primarily an abortion provider.

"Some patients drive as long as six hours to get to the clinic in Fargo, [Clinic director Tammi] Kromenaker said. If no clinics provide abortions in the Fargo-Moorhead area, those patients would have to drive another four hours to a Twin Cities abortion provider, Kromenaker said, putting abortion out of reach for many."*
Rage, fear, and a sickening lurch towards buying into the inevitability and futility of *gestures vaguely around to encompass entire chaos-descending world* all of this make it difficult to muster poetic rhetoric, BUT action is the absolutely necessary antidote to hopelessness, community is the absolutely necessary antidote to helplessness. So here we are, actioning wherever we can together.
If you don't need anything from us, please consider directly supporting Red River Women's Clinic here.

If you DO find yourself in need of anything from us, know that your purchase goes to support good change happening on the community level.

Thanks to Wintana for speaking last week so that we may listen, and to everyone else transcending everything else to come together in service of justice, freedom, and continued autonomy over our very bodies for all.

If YOU have a worthy cause to nominate for our Foundry Giving Friday initiative, pop on over to our Nomination Page and drop us a line. We're all in this together.
*At the time of this Star Tribune article, the South Dakota clinic was still seeing abortion patients but these appointments have since been paused. RRWC will 100% be scheduling/seeing the SD patients who can no longer be seen in their home-state.


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