12/23/2022 Foundry Giving Friday: Honor The Earth

12/23/2022 Foundry Giving Friday: Honor The Earth

Every Friday The Foundry Home Goods contributes 5% of our total sales to a different community-nominated small-and-mighty cause. This Friday's Foundry Giving Friday recipient? Honor The Earth.

We've been honored to highlight and support the good work of Honor The Earth several times before for our Giving Friday initiative. At this moment—with pipelines failing causing giant covered-up frac-outs, aquifer breaches, and continued state sanctioned violence against peaceful resistance in our own backyard—their work seems ever more righteously necessary.

In brief, Honor The Earth is a national Indigenous-led Native mission working to raise awareness and direct funds to grassroots Native environmental groups. They are the only Native organization that provides both financial support and organizing support to Native environmental initiatives.

As they say: In our Anishinaabe prophecies, this is called the time of the Seventh Fire. This is a time when our people will have two roads ahead of us - one miikina, or path, which is well-worn - but scorched - and another path which is green. It will be our choice upon which path to embark.  That is where we are.

Indeed, the choice upon which path to embark is here, let us not miss it.

If you don't need anything from us, consider donating to Honor The Earth directly  If you DO find yourself in need of something from us, know that your purchase goes to support good change happening on the community level.

Thanks to KP for the nomination (and everything else).

If YOU have a worthy cause to nominate for our Foundry Giving Friday initiative, pop on over to our Nomination Page and drop us a line. We're all in this together.



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