12/11/2020 Foundry (Double Whammy!) Giving Friday: Cheyenne River Youth Project and MIGIZI

12/11/2020 Foundry (Double Whammy!) Giving Friday: Cheyenne River Youth Project and MIGIZI

Every Friday The Foundry Home Goods donates 5% of our total sales to a different community-nominated small-and-mighty cause. This Holiday Season we're going doubling down on our season of festive generosity, choosing TWO worthy recipients each week to multiply and share the giving spirit of joy. This Friday's Foundry Holiday DOUBLE WHAMMY recipients? Cheyenne River Youth Project and MIGIZI!

This time of year, as we celebrate abundance and give thanks for our communities and networks of support, it is also a time to think critically about our shared history and how abundance and gratitude have been shared (or not) with all people. At this moment, already vulnerable indigenous communities are being even further impacted as long standing structural inequities are exacerbated by the current crisis. This week's recipients are two midwest native-led organizations dedicated to supporting indigenous youth to rise and flourish to their greatest capacity. Abundance and safety, childhood and joy, food, freedom, and future—for one and all. This week's recipients:


The Cheyenne River Youth Project is an essential non-profit community development organization on the Cheyenne River Sioux Reservation in Eagle Butte, South Dakota. Run by the community, for the community, this organization provides an arsenal of vital services (arts education for little ones and big onesinternship programsliteracy initiativesfitnessnative foodways and sovereignty educationsmoothies!) dedicated to maximizing and supporting the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual wellness of Lakota youth of all ages. See more of the good work in action here @lakotayouth


Thank you, Dakota, for the stellar nomination!


MIGIZI, meaning "Bald Eagle" in Ojibwe, is a Minneapolis-based non-profit, a "circle of support" nurturing the development of Native American youth in order to unleash their creativity and dreams—to benefit themselves, their families and community. MIGIZI puts youth first, supporting youth-driven activities (from green-sector career education to media training at the MIGIZI radio station) that fully engage youth in a self-directed path to holistic wellness and to success in education and employment. MIGIZI is also rebuilding after much of their new 2019 headquarters was lost to devastating fire in the wake of the May protests. Learn more about their rebuilding and see their good work in action here @migizimn


Thank you, Lillian, for the stellar nomination!


If you don't need anything from us, please consider donating directly: here for Cheyenne River Youth Project and here for MIGIZI.


If you do find yourself in need of some cozy woolensflickering candles, or a few sustainably sourced and thoughtfully chosen Ruby-approved gifts, then know that your purchase goes to support good change happening on the community level.


If YOU have a worthy cause to nominate for our Foundry Giving Friday initiative, pop on over to our Nomination Page and drop us a line. We're all in this together.


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