1/1/2021 Foundry Giving Friday: Loveland Foundation

1/1/2021 Foundry Giving Friday: Loveland Foundation

Every Friday The Foundry Home Goods donates 5% of our total sales to a different community-nominated small-and-mighty cause. This Friday's Foundry Giving Friday recipient? Loveland Foundation!

Loveland Foundation is a national non-profit dedicated to showing up for communities of color, specifically Black women and girls, in creative and compassionate ways. Loveland Foundation was started in 2018 by the brilliant academic and activist Rachel Cargle (seriously, go follow her and just listen) after a simple online "birthday fundraiser" she hosted to give Black women and girls a clear path to accessing therapy services raised over $250,000 (!). Loveland Foundation now supports thousands of women of color in gaining access to mental health care they deserve, cost free. 


This past year has been hard. And yet...who sat in a warm house with a full belly and zoomed in with their therapist this week? We did. We have had the power of our privilege to lean on—and it's still been hard. Whether it's access to doctors who believe, respect, and understand our lived experiences, a lack of stigma/generalized cultural acceptance of the necessity of mental healthcare, or the simple ability to pay for it, so many of us have been able to make mental healthcare choices to keep ourselves as safe, sound, and stable as possible. Choices many Black women and girls do not have. In the eternal reckoning of inequity, as we all ask ourselves over and over "I see it, but what can I do about it?", you can do this. You can say: We see you, we hear you, and we are invested in your healing.

If you don't need anything from us, please consider donating directly to the Loveland Therapy Fund.

If you DO find yourself in need of beeswax replenishment or a new favorite dishbrush, know that your purchase goes to support good change happening on the community level.

Thanks to Susannah for the nomination!

If YOU have a worthy cause to nominate for our Foundry Giving Friday initiative, pop on over to our Nomination Page and drop us a line. We're all in this together.


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